Sister Moon
Well, I saw that through the high-powered binoculars I borrowed from my confrere over at OLPS Church. I paid Fr Paul Goh a visit and had a chat with him on more matters about stargazing and astrophotography. He showed me his treasured binoculars which has been with him for the past 25 years and used that to view the half moon that was shining brightly in the night sky last night. Awesome!
Pity we didn't have the accessories to photograph the venerable sister of the sky! Perhaps the picture from SkyTonight may help (right).
The pockmarked surface and coupled with the light and shadow effects that displayed over the area were eerie and, at the same time, magnificent! It also had a humbling effect because the sight made everything else looked insignificant. No wonder one can just loose oneself completely into this and forget to put one's feet firmly on the ground and face the reality that is around! :-P
That and also the time taken, which was already late, led to the end of an enlightening Friday evening that saw the 'firmaments of heaven'. Sort of... :-)
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