The Sun In My Eyes!
I collected my solar filter today (Kendrick C102HD)! So, as of today, I shall be able to view the Sun and what she has to reveal through her run in the day sky as I point my C80-ED in her direction. Might as well, since the night skies have been very uncooperative this past weeks.
I was up past midnight of the wee hours of this morning to see if I can catch any starry object but was a letdown! I also wanted to get use to the motorised mount as I fiddled and played with and doing up some focusing, just to acclimatised to the device. Due to the absence of stars and the cloudy skies, the practice with scope was the best I deal with. It didn't help that the drizzle came along and I had to pack up and headed indoors. :-P
The solar filter would be a great welcome and an added bonus to gazing to the skies during the day time. At least I can see a part, an important part too, of the solar system! ;-)
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