Sunday, October 01, 2006

Princess Chang Erh's Home...

The moon was up at half tonight and what a sight it was through my scope!

The past week saw me fiddling around my the C80-ED to get a decent picture through the CCD camera that is the Star Shoot. Still not able to get use to the camera on the scope yet. Almost had something but the thing suddenly went a little haywire and I couldn't get it any better since then. No matter, it's just some more practice and I should be able to finally ace it... ;-)

Meanwhile, the skies are still horrendous and with the recent report of the haze from Sumatra that caused the psi here to shoot to 66 isn't making matters any better. So, I am just consoling myself with just gazing at the moon. The craters are stupendous with a large amount of them visible on its bright side. I had earlier went to Joo Beng's (of astrobargains) place to buy a 3x Barlow lens from him. Haven't quite put it through its pace yet as I haven't a proper object to look at and the Moon is too bright to see decently with that magnification at this point in time.

It has been quite an adventure so far with this astronomical hobby :-) Now, if only the skies can just clear up... pleeeeaaaaaasse! :-P


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