Thursday, August 03, 2006

Seeing God's Face

The scene shifts and tastes ebb and flow.

I have been waiting for this moment to put something different and in a different setting. Perhaps this may be a good opportunity for something refreshing. Got bitten by the astronomy bug and this is an outlet of the need to look at eternity.

Didn't want to be tied too much to the nitty gritty of what life is on the ground when there are so much more to take out there in the universe. Gave in to getting a serious telescope and made an order to ship in a Celestron C80ED - RGT with GoTo mount telsecope system. Can't wait for it arrive so that i can get to some serious star gazing.

Last night did some homework by using only my penlight, star maps of the northern and southern hemisphere, and when looking nto the skies to see if i could identify any stars. Problem was the skies were a little cloudy and my poor eyesight didn't help in having a satisfactory time. Still , it was fun while the session lasted. It was cool and quiet up there in the highest point of the building I went over at Sea Avenue. The solitude was engaging! ;)

So, here's to the arrival of C80ED-RGT! Wonder if I can see God's face with it?... :-D


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