Sunday, August 20, 2006

Feeling Small

Went out to the car park of the church and looked to the skies with the binoculars I borrowed from Fr Paul (OLPS). The skies were a little cloudy and a slight breeze blew in the scudding clouds that obscured the vision of the constellations now and then. It was a little after midnight and everything was quiet and still.

It was an experience to be able to identify the stars that can be seen through the trusty star map from Sky&Telescope. I managed to scope out Jupiter which appeared as a bright spot towards the north-western part of the sky. From there I also saw two more bright spots that were Antares and Acturus. Antares is in the constellation of Sagittarius and this constellation can be identified more commonly as the 'Teapot'.

More is not available as the skies aren't dark enough to reveal more stars. Even as the maps show more than what I could see, I felt I have touched more than I could imagined! The satisfaction lie in the ability to name the stars and constellation despite the limitations. I went to bed feeling very small... :-)


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