Monday, February 05, 2007

Sister Moon

I finally got my C6 out into the yard one night, about a week ago, and put her through her paces. She didn't disappoint! The skies continued her pouty ways of being cloudy, though, and the weather didn't help either with it being cold and windy! :-P

Nonetheless, I managed to capture the sight of Sister Moon and the all inspiring Saturn. :-) I used my HP r707 to get this Moon but still wasn't able to get the sight of Saturn with it. I didn't use the Star Shoot as I just wanted to use the C6 without too much hassle of other equipment and time wasn't on my side either. I also used my Orion Explorer zoom eyepiece, whose focal length range from 5mm to 21mm, to view the sights!

The next round, I hope to capture more deep space objects with the C6, now that I have a bigger and better aperture to play with! ;-)


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