I have started using my telescope but under the current skies' condition, my fumbling around the usage and functions of the scope and my morning masses this week, the result and experience and enjoyment have been rather muted somewhat. :-P
I have yet to calibrate properly the computerised mount that will show me the positions of the stars, constellations, planets, etc without too much fuss. Now, I am fussing around trying to figure out exactly what is what in doing up this calibration! *bummer...*
Once I can get that resolve, I can then start utilising my CCD camera (the Star Shoot) and get some shots to see just how 'kewl' the whole investment can be. Meanwhile, I am just using the telescope on manual, which is just fine, and there is always this sense of awe and excitement when I look into the eyepiece and see that star which is millions of miles away winking back at me... :-)
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