Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Moon Over Sea Avenue

I was exceptionally free this evening and so I decided to use my HPr707 digicam to take some night pictures of the sky, in particular the crescent moon that was hanging somewhat forlornly up there.

I mounted the digicam on a tripod and just pointed at the distance, set that to ISO100 and under Shade for White Balance with the EV setting to -1 to darken the picture a little. Since I haven't received the telescope yet (it has been delayed to 17 September! :-P), pretend with me that I just did some glorious shot of the moon - it just lacks that deep imaging and magnification that the scope may give... :-D

I used the Fujinon binocs to look at the moon and it looked really forlorn up there with its crescent state and the clouds that rolled by made it looked as if it belong to some horror movie setting! After about 45 minutes along Sea Avenue, it was then time to head for the comforts of my room and a good night's rest. Not too bad for an evening out of sorts... :-)


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